Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Suggestions & solutions

to not waste water you can put a brick inside of the back of your toilet so when you "flush" the water will not go up as high as usual and you will save a LOT of water.

By: Eme & Stephanie

Monday, June 4, 2007

you can lern about any endangered animal, i played a game and lerned about salmon.
This site is great because you can find any endangered animal in the world.
this is a web site about helping the invierment. you can take a quiz find out more on are divid suzuki post.

Links to David Suzuki

This is the David Suzuki nature challenge if you want to join go on try it even if you do one them you will make a difference.

these are the are some of the questions that are on his sit.

1.Reduce home energy use by 10%2.Choose an energy-efficient home and appliances3.Don’t use pesticides4.Eat meat-free meals one day a week5.Buy locally grown and produced food6.Choose a fuel efficient vehicle7.Walk, bike carpool or take transit8.Choose a home close to work or school9.Support alternative transportation10.Learn more and share with others

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

book review

Book Title: Come Back Salmon
Author: Molly cone

This book is about a beautifull lake near a school with salmon in it. People were just littering in the lake and salmon got trapped inside of tires of stuck inside pop cans. But when the children saw all the garbage the techer said "when I was a boy the lake was clear". So the whole class started to get all the garbage out of the lake so the salmon could return to there home. The book was good because the salmon reaturned in the end.

Thanks for reading this!

Eme & Stephanie

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Exploring the issue

Problem: Salmon and other types of animals that live under water are in danger because people are polluting in rivers and the ocean!!!!!!!!!

1. What types of underwater creatures are almost extinct?
2. What is polluting the water so much?
3. Where are they polluting the water the most?
4. Why don’t people care that they are killing living creatures!?